The Best Concert I've Ever Saw (Spoiler: Kendick Lamar)

My mom and dad are really big fans of music. They love to go to concerts so I have grown up with the idea that shows are cathartic places where you can feel and scream and let everything out. Because of it, it's very difficult for me to choose only one concert in particular, but this time I'll have to say it was Kendrick Lamar's concert.

It was in this year version of Lollapalooza, which is located in Parque O'higgins, a very big place where you can enjoy musicians and bands for 3 days if you can afford the ticket, wich is not very easy all the time.  

Kendrick Lamar is a singer, raper and producer from the United States. He has a big backround working with very famous people like Rihanna and Snoop Dog. He was also famous online before he made an studio album. After many years he grew and has made an amazing career. I like him because he had a tough childhood and upbringing because he was black and didn't came from a good neighborhood, so I find his lyrics very honest, besides his music is explosive!

At the moment of his concert here in Chile I was with my boyfriend, and when I got aware of the atmosphere I was really glad I was with him because it got pretty violent. Not in the way that people have had knifes or guns, but everbody was pushing really hard and being super agressive so they could be in front to the stage. I do can take care of myself but I have problems in my knees, so I was relieve that someone was there to help me. 

Besides that I enjoyed it a lot! I burst into tears in my favorite song, I jump as muchs as my knees resisted, I sang every song and the energy was truly amazing. I really wish with all my heart to see him again in a concert, he is a really good performer so it's worth it!


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