In 2015 I was having a conversation with my aunt. She is a very interesting lady, who has travel to so many countries I can't even remember wich ones, but there was one place in particular she mentioned that I will never forget about... Berlin.

I have never had an special affection with Germany, most of all because I had the image of World War II and all of that part of history. But now my vision has changed, I would love to live in Berlin wich is the capital city of Germany. Now that i'm older I love the history of it, like the fall of The Berlin Wall, the way people where reunited again after many years, but most of all the underground culture that made a huge development, like the arts, music, cultural and historical activities. My aunt planted a seed in my head that I kept feeding with information I found online.

I would love to work there for a while. I'm a journalism student, so I think it would be a very interesting place for me to do things, like cover cultural activities, photograph the underground culture there and maybe even make a blog about all the fascinating things that are still hidding there. I think it would be enlightening to learn about their culture and, not least important, it would be so fun to change my vision about the things I have learned beeing so far away from them!


  1. As the same as you, I like the history of germany and know the most memorables places.

  2. Please when we finish this career let's move to Berlin. I would love to live in another country, at least for a while.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. I think is a good idea to go to Germany to find a job, is a country where people is truly interested about culture


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